OCO News

OCO Glow-A-Fun Golf Tournament to feature a $10,000 Putting Contest

Golfers in Oswego County Opportunities Glow-A-Fun nighttime golf tournament will have a chance to putt for dough, big dough that is. The tournament will feature a putting contest sponsored by Big John Sales that offers golfers a chance to win $10,000. The putting contest is just one of the many contests and drawings that will be a part of the tournament. Presented by G & C Foods the nighttime golf tournament will be held Friday, August 19 at Tamarack Golf Club in Oswego. For more information on OCO’s Glow-A-Fun Golf Tournament contact Bridget Dolbear at 315-598-4717, ext. 1082 or via email at bdolbear@oco.org. Above, OCO Development Coordinator Bridget Dolbear looks on as OCO Board Member Deana Masuicca practices her putting. Also pictured is OCO Board President John Zanewych of Big John’s Sales.

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