OCO Glow Ball Golf Tournament Set for August 20th
Posted on April 7, 2021

Attention all golfers…looking for a unique golf tournament that’s both challenging and fun? If so, Oswego County Opportunities has just what you’re looking for!
On Friday evening, August 20, OCO will host its inaugural Glow-A-Fun Golf Tournament. Presented by G & C Foods in Syracuse, the Glow-A-Fun Golf Tournament will begin at dusk with teams of four teeing off with special glow-in-the-dark golf balls as they take on the challenging course at the Tamarack Golf Club, 2021 County Route 1 in Scriba in an exciting “Best Ball” tournament.
In this photo, OCO Executive Director Diane Cooper Currier (l) and OCO Development Coordinator Bridget Dolbear (r) meet at Tamarack Golf Club, 2021 County Route 1 in Scriba to discuss tournament details.
“With the year we’ve just gone through our Glow-A-Fun Golf Tournament offers golfers of all skill levels the opportunity to have some crazy fun outdoors in a safe environment,” said OCO Development Coordinator Bridget Dolbear. “In addition to golf there will be a number of games and contests that golfers can participate in. There will also be prizes, food and refreshments. And, of course, for the safety of our guests, all COVID safety protocols will be followed.”
Proceeds from the Glow-A-Fun Golf Tournament will support OCO’s Opportunities for All initiative fighting poverty and empowering individuals and families to help themselves and to help each other.
“For 55 years, OCO has been committed to fighting poverty and helping people thrive in a healthy and safe community,” said OCO Executive Director Diane Cooper-Currier. “No other local nonprofit organization provides so many diverse services that address self-sufficiency, health, nutrition, housing, education, crisis intervention, transportation, and family and skill building. We invite community members, businesses, and organizations to join us for a truly unique and exciting evening of ‘glow ball’ golf and help us in our efforts to continue to fight poverty in our community.”
“We are proud to welcome G & C Foods as the presenting sponsor the event,” added Dolbear. “G & C Foods is a steadfast supporter of OCO and we are fortunate to count them among our partners.”
Headquartered in Syracuse, G & C Foods is a food service re-distributor of refrigerated, frozen and dry food. The company stores and delivers more than 4,000 food items to meet the needs of customers from Maine to Florida.
Save the date and start putting your team together for an evening of golfing fun like no other. For more information, including sponsorship and corporate team opportunities visit www.oco.org or contact Bridget Dolbear at 315-598-4717, ext. 1082 or via email at bdolbear@oco.org.