SAF Crisis Hotline: 315-342-1600 – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
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24 hour crisis hotline at 315-342-1600 (Free/Confidential support Services)
- Crisis and Support Services for Victims/Survivors of: domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, innocent victims of crime.
- Emergency Temporary Shelter for individuals and families fleeing domestic violence.
- One-on-one emergency room advocacy for survivors of sexual assault.
- NYS Department of Health Certified Rape Crisis Counselors
- Safety planning
- Advocate support (including but not limited to):
- Working with Law Enforcement, Courts, Probation, Prosecutors
- Assistance with petitions for custody and orders of protection
- NYS Office of Victim Services compensation claims assistance
- Emotional support and assistance navigating the criminal and/or civil justice systems
- Follow-up assistance and case management services
- Planned accompaniment during court proceedings
- SAF Crisis Hotline is a safe method of contact for clients and their support systems
- Services are available to victims of violence or those affected by domestic violence sexual assault, stalking and innocent victims of crime
- Information and referrals to other services
- Individual counseling
- Transportation assistance (when applicable)
- Help requesting restitution, preparing a victim impact statement, and follow-up advocacy
- Transitional housing assistance – connection to services – many services to fit your specific needs:
- Support group for survivors of domestic violence
- Employment services and goal planning
Call the Crisis Hotline (315-342-1600) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
All services are strictly confidential