Breastfeeding, Chestfeeding, and Lactation Friendly New York (BFFNY)
Serving the region of Oswego, Cayuga, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence Counties.

Program Goals and Desired Outcomes
- Establish a breast/chestfeeding care continuum through implementing site specific policy, systems, and environmental changes that support breast/chestfeeding parents, infants, and families.
- Increase rates in breast/chestfeeding, particularly exclusive breast/chestfeeding, in communities of focus, reduce racial, ethnic, and community disparities in breast/chestfeeding, and reduce obesity and chronic disease risk factors.
Program Strategies and Activities
Implement breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and lactation supports in health care practices (HCPs), worksites, community and public spaces.
- Recruit and assess HCPs, worksites, community and public spaces that serve low-income, racially/ethnically diverse, Medicaid-eligible individuals.
- Provide training, technical assistance, and resources to HCPs, worksites, community and public spaces.
Develop and enhance existing breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and lactation support groups and coalitions.
- Identify and assess existing support groups and coalitions.
- Help establish new support groups and coalitions.
- Ensure new and existing groups and coalitions are representative of and responsive to the needs of communities of focus.
- Recruit new members that reflect the communities of focus.
- Support implementation of community-generated strategies.
- Provide training, technical assistance, and resources to new and existing groups and coalitions.
Implement communication activities
- Share success stories, distribute materials, and educate community leaders and decision makers.
Communities of Focus
- Counties: Cayuga, Jefferson, Lewis, Oswego, and St. Lawrence counties
- Populations: low-income, racial/ethic, and LGBTQ+ individuals.
Contact Information
- Program Name: Breastfeeding, Chestfeeding, and Lactation Friendly New York (BFFNY)
- Address: 10 George Street, Suite 400 Room 6, Oswego, NY, 13126
- Email:
- Phone: (315) 343-1311 x 1461
- Cell: (315) 236-0878
- Social Media:
OCO BFFNY on Spotify

This publication is supported with funding from the State of New York. The opinions, results, findings and/or interpretations of data contained therein are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions, interpretations or policy of the State.
Welcome to the OCO BFFNY Program page!
We are a team of passionate individuals dedicated to supporting breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and lactation friendly practices within communities that span across Oswego, Cayuga, Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence counties! We provide families with a network of providers who are committed to helping parents on their breastfeeding and chestfeeding journey.
Our team includes Certified Lactation Consultants, Peer Support, and a group of wonderful community partners. We are excited to establish a breast/chestfeeding care continuum through implementing site specific policy, systems, and environmental changes that support breast/chestfeeding parents, infants, and families.
Continuity of care in breastfeeding is achieved by consistent, collaborative, and seamless delivery of high-quality services from prenatal period until families are no longer chest/breastfeeding. Continuity of care in transitions that are coordinated and fully supportive of families throughout their chest/breastfeeding journey.

- Administrative Lead- Colleen McCann
- Program Manager- Kimberly Zimmer
- Outreach & Engagement Specialist- Stephenie Pease

National Breastfeeding Month 2024
- Cayuga Community Health Network- Cayuga County
- North Country Prenatal/Perinatal Council, Inc.- Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence Counties