In-Person Assistor & Navigator (IPAN) PrograM

OCO’s IPAN Staff, provide assistance in applying for NYS health insurance through the online Marketplace.  This service helps with applying for health insurance coverage, obtaining an eligibility, and selecting a plan that works best for the family or individual.  The Navigators will meet with families and individuals at convenient times and locations to gather the necessary documents and complete the online health insurance application. The Navigators are available throughout the year to assist with yearly recertifications, reporting changes to NYS, answering questions and reapplying. The Navigators also conduct community outreach to inform and educate community members and Small Business owners/employees of their options in the NYS Marketplace. Program staff also are community-based at several locations within Oswego County. For more information, call 315-342-0888 extension 1450. 

REMEMBER – You must re-certify once again, starting in 2023

Our Program helps with enrollments in Qualified Health Plans, Essential Plans, Medicaid and Child Health Plus through the New York State of Health Marketplace.

Call for Appointments: 315-342-0888, option 8

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
10 George St, Suite 100
Oswego, NY  13126

Fax: 315-342-9813

Every day we believe our program is helping Oswego County residents in the effort to make their families healthier.

We often hear testimonials such as: 

“Thank you, your Navigators have been so helpful.”

“Oh I wish I came to you sooner!”

“You all make it look so simple!”

We are very proud to be a part of the process!

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