access Oswego COunty Public Transit
ACCESS Oswego is a curb-to-curb transportation service for the general public, elderly and persons with special needs in Oswego County at no charge, available Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5PM.
Service is only available when other public transportation is not readily available in your area. This service can be used for medical, social, or personal business. This transportation program is provided by Oswego County Mobility Management.
To schedule a ride with ACCESS Oswego County, call OCO Transportation at 315-598-1514 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Weekdays Only

Fare Free

Home Pickup/Drop-off
Eligibility Requirements
- Ages Served: All ages; Ages 15 and under must be accompanied by adult.
- Income Guidelines: None
- Geographical Area: Oswego County
- Program Cost: None
- To reserve a ride, call OCO Transportation at (315) 598-1514
or 1 (877) 484-3287 (4TheBus)
- For more information, please contact OCO Transportation Customer Service by phone at (315) 598-4713.
Fast Facts
- Service available Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Call two (2) business days in advance to schedule your ride. Less than two (2) days may be considered.
- Please cancel your ride at least 2 hours in advance of pick-up time
- ACCESS Oswego can be used to schedule a ride as a connection to the broader Centro bus schedules
- Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Link to Printer-Friendly Brochure