Dusting Divas Supports OCO Giving Thanks Event
Posted on October 28, 2022
Dusting Divas Professional Cleaning Service has signed on as a Silver Level Sponsor for Oswego County Opportunities “Giving Thanks.” The event is a celebration of the work that OCO and its many programs do to enhance the quality of life in Oswego County. “Giving Thanks” will be held Friday, November 4, from 6:00 to 9:0 pm, at the Lake Ontario Event and Conference Center, 26 East First Street in Oswego.
“We like to support our community whenever we can,” said Nadine Barnett, owner of Dusting Divas, Inc. “Helping to sponsor OCO events is a good way to do so. OCO’s programs benefit many people, and I am happy to be a Silver Level Sponsor for “Giving Thanks.”
Presented by G & C Foods and Eagle Beverage, OCO’s “Giving Thanks” celebration will have food stations featuring harvest season delicacies from some of Oswego County’s Favorite restaurants, including: Canale’s Restaurant, La Parrilla on the Water, The Press Box, Mimi’s Drive-In, GS Steamers, Oompa Loompya’s, Mill House Market, Blue Moon Grill, Kiyomi Japanese Steak House, Ji-Woo’s Cupbops, CiTi Boces Culinary Arts, Locavore @Burritt’s, and OCO Nutrition Services. Signature delicacies from each restaurant will be paired with beverages courtesy of Eagle Beverage Company that perfectly complement each dish. Entertainment for the evening will be provided by local singer/songwriter John McConnell.
Proceeds from the event will benefit OCO’s Giving That Grows initiative that focuses on fighting hunger in Oswego County.
“We are pleased to welcome Dusting Divas Cleaning Service as a sponsor,” said OCO Development Coordinator Bridget Dolbear. “Dusting Divas joins Gold Level sponsors National Grid, Constellation, and the Shineman Foundation and Silver Level sponsors Valiant Retire Inc., Amity Pest Control, Fulton Savings Bank and Oswego County Federal Credit Union. It’s the support of community minded businesses like these that help to make ‘Giving Thanks’ such a wonderful event.”
For more information or to purchase tickets visit www.oco.org or contact Bridget Dolbear at 315-598-4717, ext. 1082.
Pictured here with Dolbear (r) is Nadine Barnett, owner of Dusting Divas Inc. A Silver Level Sponsor for OCO’s upcoming “Giving Thanks” celebration, Dusting Divas is also celebrating its 10th year in business. The company offers professional cleaning services to fit its customers’ needs throughout Oswego County and surrounding areas.