OCO the Centers for Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health Care for all is provided by our professional staff, with our focus on healthcare maintenance and disease prevention.
Meet Our Providers

L Sousou – PA, D Olson – PA, H Shannon – NP
Our Medical Director and Supervising Physician, Dr. Raj Mahajan, is affiliated with Oswego Hospital
Services Offered
- Women’s Health
- Menopause Care
- Men’s Health
- STD Diagnosis and Treatment
- HIV Testing & Counseling
- HPV Vaccine (age 19 – 45)
- Birth Control
- Contraception Management
- Pregnancy Testing
- Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
- Breast & Cervical Cancer Screenings
- Referral to Specialties and other agencies
- Urgent Reproductive Symptoms can usually be seen within 24-hours of calling
Call For an appointment today
The Center at Fulton #315-598-4740
The Center at Oswego or SUNY Oswego #315-342-0888
The Center at SUNY Oswego #315-342-0888 (or call/text #315-402-8689)
Offering Telemedicine for select appointments
We are committed to treating and using your protected health information responsibly. A printable copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices can be found in our centers, and HERE
NOTE: Routine wellness visits are not meant to address specific complaints or manage known medical problems. Additional charges may be required by your insurance if these need to be addressed at that time. More Information
The Center at Fulton
522 S. 4th Street, Suite 500
Fulton, NY 13069
Phone: 315-598-4740

The Center at Oswego
10 George Street, Suite 100
Oswego, NY 13126
Phone: 315-342-0888

Satellite Office
Mary Walker Center, 1 Rudolf Rd.
Thursdays 8:30am to 4:30pm
While school is in session Sept – May
Phone: 315-342-0888
Insurance & Payment Information
OCO Centers for Reproductive Health participate with many insurance companies and 3rd party admins for self-funded plans. As a courtesy, we will be happy to bill your insurance but your co-payment is expected at the time of services. If your insurance carrier is not listed, please call our office to confirm we participate. Otherwise, full payment will be expected that day.
For self-pay patients, we offer a Sliding Fee program. If eligible, this pays for a portion of your medical bills (income-based eligibility). There is also an onsite enroller for the Family Planning Benefit Program (FPBP). Services will never be denied if a person is unable to pay.