OCO News

Girl Scout Donates to OCO Arbor House

Girl Scout Donates to OCO Arbor House

When Sophrona MacDonald, a freshman at Hannibal High School and a member of Hannibal Girl Scout Troop #10704, was looking for a project that would help her achieve the Silver Award, she knew she wanted to do a project that would positively impact others. Upon visiting OCO’s website she was impressed with Arbor House and its work helping individuals in recovery from substance abuse disorders. Sophrona decided to put together a gift basket for each of Arbor House’s 16 residents. The baskets were filled with a variety of hygiene products, art supplies, and even a snack. She also recruited her friends to write a personalized note card for each basket letting residents know that they support them and are wishing them well.

“We were pleasantly surprised when Sophrona contacted us and told us about her project,” said Director of OCO Behavioral Health Services Beth Thompson. “We greatly appreciate the effort that Sophrona put into this project. It is a very inspirational gesture. Our residents will be thrilled to receive their baskets.”

Sophrona is pictured here (seated left) with Thompson (seated right) and standing from left OCO Planning Coordinator Kristin Labarge, and OCO Deputy Director Patrick Waite.

Established in 1987, The Arbor House offers 24/7 supervision for 16 adults in a warm and inviting home-like environment. Licensed by OASAS, the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports,  Arbor House is located in the beautiful countryside of western Oswego County not far from the City of Oswego. For more information about Arbor House visit oco.org.

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