OCO News

OCO Board of Directors holds Annual Meeting April 11

The Oswego County Opportunities Board of Directors holds its Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at Bridie Manor, 1830 Bridie Square off W. First St., in Oswego. The meeting opens with breakfast buffet at 7:45 AM.
At this meeting the Board will install its 2023-24 officers and welcome new and returning directors filling open seats. The Annual Report and fiscal analysis will be presented, retiring Board members will be recognized, OCO’s Amelia Whelahan nominees and award recipient will be honored, and outstanding volunteers will be celebrated – including this year’s Howard Wilcox Volunteer of the Year. There will be a special presentation by individuals sharing inspiring their stories of how OCO has helped them achieve their goals, as well as remarks from Executive Director Diane Cooper-Currier and Board President John Zanewych.

OCO Board meetings are open to the public. Since this is a breakfast meeting, reservations are required and the cost for breakfast is $15 per person. Please contact Executive Assistant Shelby Fowler at 315-598-4717 ext.1030 by April 3, 2023 to place a reservation.

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