OCO News

Oswego County Head Start to establish Kindergarten Transition Team

For many parents and children the move from pre-school to kindergarten can be a challenge. It is a major transition that for many families elicits a range of emotions. In an effort to support families and children during this time Oswego County Head Start, a program of Oswego County Opportunities, is working to help make the move to kindergarten an easier one.

Head Start recently hosted a virtual event for early childhood educators and Oswego County’s elementary school kindergarten teachers and principals. Director of Professional Development for Child Care Solutions Kristi Cusa presented The Emotional Rollercoaster of Preparing for Kindergarten. The training program addressed the many emotions felt by both children and parents as they prepare for the transition to kindergarten. Participants discussed what to look for when children are feeling the stress of change and how they can help prepare children for this change.

“Research shows that a smooth and successful transition to kindergarten is strongly linked to children’s academic and social success in the school years to follow,” said Head Start Early Childhood Education Coordinator Kristy Masuicca.

To better prepare children for this transition Oswego County Head Start is creating a Kindergarten Transition Team. The county’s early childhood education professionals, kindergarten teachers, principals, and Oswego County Head Start teachers and staff will create a partnership to ease children and families into this big, new adventure called Kindergarten.

“Team members will share and implement transition activities for children and families that will focus on preparing children for success,” said Masuicca. “We will also review and revise Oswego County Head Start’s School Readiness Goals annually to ensure that we are doing everything we can to make children kindergarten ready.”

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