SAF staff increase awareness about domestic violence
Posted on October 20, 2022
In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month representatives from OCO Services to Aid Families program (SAF) attended the Oswego Farmers Market to inform community members about the many services that SAF provides for survivors of domestic violence. SAF is the sole domestic violence and rape crisis provider for Oswego County and provides both residential and non-residential services to victims and survivors via the 24/7 Crisis Hotline and in person. In 2021 SAF answered nearly 4,500 hotline calls from survivors, and provided 1,700 bed nights to 65 families staying at the SAF domestic violence shelter. If you or someone you know is a victim or survivor of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual violence or stalking, please call the OCO Crisis Hotline at (315) 342-1600. The hotline is available 24 hours a day and is free and confidential. Above from left are Mercedes Whiteside, Sage Chase, and Danielle Gillett.